
What Are the Major Signs of Inflammation in Your Body?

May 26, 2021

Urgent Care

What Are the Major Signs of Inflammation in Your Body?
Inflammation is an immune response that prevents further injuries and initiates a faster healing process. However, chronic and consistent inflammation can be problematic. It's important to be aware of warning signs so that initial chronic inflammation does not persist and leads to more severe health problems.There are two types of inflammation. Acute inflammation is a form of inflammation that happens to short-term infection or injury, and redness, swelling, warmth, and pain are common symptoms. Long-term inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, has been associated with heart disease, arthritis, bowel disorders, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.

Here are a few signs of inflammation in the body:

  • Joint pain: This is one of the first symptoms of chronic inflammation. It may also indicate the onset of an autoimmune disease, such as gout, or rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, which is triggered by an overworked immune system that releases excessive inflammatory chemicals. See a doctor if your joint pain continues or worsens.
  • Memory loss: Memory and cognition deteriorate steadily with age, but evidence indicates that higher levels of inflammatory markers in the body trigger an 8 to 12 percent faster decline in memory loss. If memory lapses seem to be happening more often than normal, do not dismiss them. Instead, increase your intake of foods that keep your mind sharp and schedule an appointment with your doctor.
  • Feeling lost or depressed: As per studies, low-grade inflammation modifies neurotransmitter production and brain function, causing the brain to be more susceptible to depression. In some cases, inflammation can also make antidepressants less effective.
  • Feeling physically tired or chronic fatigue: There are some practical explanations for why chronic inflammation will cause fatigue. An overactive immune system creates molecules to support itself, while your body needs to combat its own immune system. For weeks or months at a time, the intense body pain caused by inflammation will wear you down. This pain will also prevent you from getting a good night's sleep, making you even more tired.
  • Rashes or skin issues: Rashes may be a symptom of an inflammatory disorder that's been going on for a long period of time. Your skin is extremely delicate and can reveal a lot about your overall health. Chronic inflammation in your gut can show up on your skin as rashes, acne, and other skin issues. In some cases, the immune system can start attacking healthy skin cells, resulting in rashes or skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • Bloating and gas: Bloating and gas are common digestive problems. However, constant digestive issues are uncommon. With stomach inflammation, you experience frequent bloating, gas, or digestive issues. It's easy to dismiss gas and bloating as minor inconveniences. However, they suggest that something in your digestive tract is not functioning properly or that the food you are consuming triggers inflammation.
If you are bothered by any of these signs mentioned above, it's best to consult with a professional. Contact us today at MI Express Care and MI Express Primary Care to schedule an appointment or if you have any further questions.Also read:
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