
COVID-19 Vaccine: Preparation, Precautions, and Key Information

Mar 10, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine: Preparation, Precautions, and Key Information
Since the Food and Drug Administration has issued emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines, initial amounts of vaccines are being distributed worldwide. Here are critical facts that you need to know about the COVID-19 Vaccine.

How many shots are in the coronavirus vaccine?

The vaccine consists of two doses, applied 3 to 4 weeks apart. Pfizer's second shot is given three weeks after the first, and Moderna's second shot is given for weeks after the first shot. Johnson & Johnson has just been given FDA emergency use approval for their vaccines which only has one dose.

Can my two doses be from different providers?

No, the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine injections are manufactured differently and are not interchangeable.Also read: COVID-19 Antibody Test: What You Need to Know

How should you prepare for your COVID-19 shot?

Doctors do not advise taking any pain reliever before getting the coronavirus vaccine, and pre-medication for preventing fevers or allergies are needed. If required, discuss with your doctor in advance. Discuss with your doctor, immunologist, or allergist if you are unsure whether you are allergic to the ingredients in the vaccines.

What are common vaccine symptoms?

The CDC states that soreness of arms for about a day due to the needle is quite common after getting the coronavirus vaccine. The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine include headaches, fatigue, chills, muscle aches, or low-grade fevers. This is normal, as these side effects indicate that the vaccination is working due to the vaccine acting as an antigen without activating the virus.

What happens when you go to get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

The vaccine takes 20 seconds to administer, and you are monitored for 15 minutes to check for any allergic reactions. CDC recommends contacting the doctor in the following cases: redness or swelling in the arm worsens after a day and if the side effects do not heal within a couple of days. To reduce discomfort, hydrate yourself and dress lightly.

Should you get the second dose of the vaccine if you test positive for COVID-19 after getting the first one?

If you become infected with COVID-19 despite getting the first dose, this should not stop you from getting the second one. You will receive the second injection after your symptoms alleviate, which will take around roughly three or four weeks. In some rare cases, you will need to skip the second dose only if you had an allergic reaction to the first dose or if your COVID-19 symptoms persist.

What if my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is delayed?

Pfizer's second shot is given three weeks after the first, and Moderna's is given four weeks after the first. If the second dose of your coronavirus vaccine is delayed, you can still receive it up to six weeks after the first dose. However, do not get the second dose earlier than the recommended time. Nevertheless, if you have already had your second shot and it was administered four days early or within the prescribed time period, you do not need to repeat the sequence.

Is transmission to others possible after vaccination?

Yes, the transmission is still possible because the vaccine takes time to take effect. There is always a risk of you being an asymptomatic carrier as well. Receiving the vaccine just means that you are less likely to become sick or develop symptoms due to your immunity, but you can still carry the virus if exposed to it. The vaccine gives up to 95% of protection from the virus. Therefore, wearing masks and gloves, maintaining a distance from other people in public places, and using hand sanitizer in short intervals should be continued.Questions about COVID-19 or COVID-19 testing? Please contact our team at MI Express Care, Canton, MI.
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