
What You Need to Know About Asthma

Dec 16, 2020

Urgent Care

What You Need to Know About Asthma
Asthma is a condition that affects your lungs. It's a prevalent long-term disease among children, but adults can suffer from it too. Hereditary, environmental, and work-related factors are some common asthma triggers. Here is what you need to know about asthma.

1. What is asthma?

Asthma, or Bronchial Asthma, is a chronic respiratory condition where the airways in the lungs are inflamed and narrowed, causing breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. Symptoms can occur as recurrent episodes called asthmatic attacks.There are two main types of asthma:
  • Extrinsic asthma, or allergic asthma: This is where the respiratory tubes are susceptible to the pollutants in the air. These patients have repeated attacks of sneezing and eczema whenever they come in contact with any allergic substance.
  • Intrinsic asthma, or bronchial asthma: This type of asthma develops in many patients who suffer from diseases like chronic coughs and bronchitis. It has been linked with infections of the upper and lower respiratory tracts.

2. How can you tell if you have asthma?

When your asthma symptoms worsen, the condition is known as an exacerbation or an asthma attack. Doctors may perform breathing tests (PFTs) to get an accurate reading and confirm possible symptoms. The common symptoms of asthma vary from person to person but include:
  • Breathlessness- The severity of breathlessness varies with time, seasons, emotional status, and stress levels.
  • Wheezing
  • Cough
  • Chest tightness, pressure or pain
  • Triggering factors(exposure to certain substances)
  • Recurring occurrences of allergies (rhinitis) and running nose.
  • Seasonal variation- Patients usually complain of increased symptoms in the winter season.
  • Loss of sleep
Signs that your asthma is probably worsening include:
  • More frequent and bothersome symptoms.
  • Extreme difficulty in breathing.
  • The need to use a quick-relief inhaler more asthma.
Patients may not always experience these specific asthma symptoms. Contact your doctor if you think that you are experiencing asthma symptoms or if your symptoms are worsening.

3. What Causes an Asthma Attack?

Certain known asthma causes include:
  • Family history
  • A history of viral or respiratory infections
  • Allergen exposure
  • Poor hygiene
  • Air pollutants and irritants (e.g., smoke)
  • Medications, including beta-blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.
  • Highly emotional and stressful situations (stress-induced asthma)
  • Chilly air
  • Certain additives to foods and beverages.

4. How is asthma treated?

Your doctor will evaluate your health history and conduct a physical test and breathing tests to assess your condition. It is typically detected in childhood, and asthma can persist over someone’s lifetime.People who have asthma should follow these recommendations:
  • Take your medication precisely. Quick-relief asthma medicines control the symptoms of asthma attacks. Meanwhile, long-term ones help you have fewer and milder attacks.
  • Avoid anything which can trigger your asthma attacks.
  • Breathing exercises can also help asthma patients.
If you have asthma or have any questions related to it, visit us at MI Express Care! We can help you manage your asthma.Also read: 
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